Tuesday, September 1, 2009

some more pict

bina insan guru...big....cant believe till now..me? teacher? duhh

picture to share....

ok..ok...superduper long to the maximum update...sory2 ( like adalah yang kesah kan?) hehehhe

well....i really dont know where to start again now....sudahlah nda tau berblogblog ni...mysis punyalah hebat blog diorng...chaitt.... www.mamayiyen.blogspot.com and si chng2 pun...seh..apa..sudah tu...nanti aku link kan k.........
ok real thing....ada a few events that i involved with....and ada juga gambar2....nanti di rumah i uploadlah..k...(grabbb)...actualy im at school ni...sk.tuarid taud keningau..ada gambar juga..nanti upload juga ...later...., and tengah doing this PBS some sort of, experiencing the experience in school,in teacherhood ( can i use that )....like that la...lebihkurang...funny 1st time sampai school, and tgk budak2 panggill cikgu etc...
ok...ill cont later....hehehhehe..... to be cont